
w e l c o m e

By Cindy Nguyen - 10:03 AM

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog!

This is my first post, and it's kind of exciting because everything is still in the works. I guess in honor of my first post, I should go ahead and introduce myself and my humble blog-beginnings.

As an Asian-American child growing up in the state of Wisconsin (I know, really random), I was always the only Asian-American child in my entire school besides my immediate family. I lived in a small city with a population of roughly 4,000 people. To put this into perspective, this is the size of my high school when I moved to Texas! It was small and the demographic was largely all German-descendants. I rarely saw any minorities growing up.

I struggled with my cultural identity. Children really can be the most cruel because they are blissfully ignorant, but I can't blame them if this is the environment they grew up in. The endless mocking and questioning of my culture, my eyes, the food that I brought to school were something that I faced as a child growing up.

Fast forward a few years and I moved to grand state of Texas. I moved to an area that didn't really have many Asian-Americans, but even having just ten more people that could somewhat relate to me was good enough for me! I think we can all agree that high school was.. different for everyone. Puberty was especially weird for me because I like to think that I was an ugly duckling who transformed into a mediocre swan in high school, all thanks to makeup and YouTube! (LOL)

I grew up watching the OGs. This main one was Michelle Phan, but I soon grew to find out even more Asian-Americans who were into makeup over the course of the years. Some of my favorite YouTubers were Weylie, Sophia Chang, and Jenn Im. With this, I began to experiment more with makeup as I continued to watch videos and my love for it expontentially grew.

With this love, I became obsessed with makeup and fashion. Although I will say that my fashion tastes are not yet developed because I spend all my money on makeup instead haha, but my love for make-up has been with me since the very beginning. I will never forget the day my mom bought me my first Claire's Makeup Palette, which was pathetic but I cherished it more than anyone else I knew! I was constantly trying to give my friends-- who were also unknowledgeable about makeup like I was  -- makeovers at any given opportunity.

With this, I have always wanted to start a YouTube channel but I will admit that I face some insecurities trying to start it up. I've recorded videos of me doing makeup but lack the confidence that I want to exude if I ever start it up. This is not to say that I'm giving up on my dreams, but I am working on my own confidence! So, stay tuned for that. ;)

And thus; this blog was born. After years of deliberating on whether I should start a channel, I figured I should start small and try blogging. I love reviewing things and I love to talk anyways, so why not? So thank you guys for joining me on this adventure! I can't wait for you guys to watch me grow.

♡, Cindy

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